Share the Benefit


Share the Benefit was an eye-opening experience. The food challenge in particular changed the way I looked at things.

As Anglicare told us, it wasn’t really about being able to survive on the New Start Allowance, but it was all about how having limited funds changed the way you lived and restricted your choices.

During the week we lived on the New Start Allowance we provided no hospitality. We changed the way we shopped and bought cheaper equivalents. We also realised that while schools are trying to help families, by encouraging them give their children fresh food through the Crunch’N’Sip program, this ended up adding to the financial burden that a family can face.

What we also realised was that a gift of a meal can make a huge difference. Having one dinner and lunch provided during the week saved us a lot of money.

But the challenge now is – what next?What difference will this make to the way we view and serve others?

Passing on the difference to Anglicare is a start, but you could be praying that this experience will help us see those around us with fresh eyes and that we would have hearts that are willing to help those in need, both physically and spiritually.

I’m also hoping to arrange some further opportunities to explore how we can be loving our community in partnership with Anglicare, so keep an eye out for those opportunities when they come.

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