The blessing of children

Happy FamilyWe gave thanks for Benjamin and Ethan Rogers at 9am church on Sunday and I was struck by the things that were said in the service on their behalf.

In the prelude, from ‘Common Prayer’ (the new prayer book) it says:

God is the source of everything that is good. Children are his gift and he entrusts parents with the privilege and responsibility of nurturing them in his way. God wants our children to experience a loving home, to gain wisdom, to live generously for the good of all, to grow in faith, and to come at last to share in his eternal kingdom.

And then we prayed:

Heavenly Father, we thank you for Benjamin and Ethan and for the loving care of their family and friends. Enable them to grow in wisdom and stature and in favour with all people and with you. Be their protector and guide and by your Holy Spirit lead them to know your Son Jesus Christ and gain eternal life. Amen

You might want to pray this prayer for a child you know this week and it’d be good to pray for their parents as well.

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